Data Management
Data Management
One of the less glamorous parts of biomarker discovery and clinical studies is the data management. However, that does not make it any less important. Just how are you going to manage all of that data that is being collated from different sources? How are you going to store it? Validate it? Use it? At Total Scientific we have over 15 years experience in the production of custom FileMaker databases for use in clinical trials and other laboratory applications.
Custom electronic databases or electronic case report forms (CRFs) are an essential part of our clinical studies service. All of our clinical studies include the use of electronic CRFs, helping to ensure data integrity from the very beginning and providing a framework for future bioanalytical work on the samples and data generated from the study.
In addition to data management services, we can provide custom bio-analytical or statistical services, including conventional statistical analysis or multivariate chemometric analysis of datasets with dozens or even hundreds of variables.
With decades of experience of looking at large complex datasets we really do understand how to visualise and interrogate such data, often leading to additional insight above and beyond that seen by conventional output criteria.
Contact us for a no-obligation discussion of how we can unlock the real value hidden away inside your large datasets.