Clinical Study Setup
Biomarker clinical research studies
Total Scientific can help you with your biomarker-related clinical study. Our Clinical Research Manager and other senior members of staff have experience of managing numerous studies and are trained in Good Clinical Practice (GCP).
We provide a tailored approach to help you achieve completion of your study in a cost-effective and timely manner. Depending on the specific requirements of the study, and the population to be studied, we may partner with a clinical research facility, one or more NHS trust(s) or we can even perform research in a participant’s home.
There are a number of factors that make biomarker clinical studies different from other clinical studies (e.g. sample preparation may be critical) and our expertise is in ensuring that they are fit for purpose. In addition, biomarker clinical studies are often carried out as add-ons to other studies. In these circumstances, we are happy to help you with any or all of the work required for your project. For example, we can provide the expertise to help build an add-on to an existing clinical study so that the biomarker part of the study is a success.
Studies performed to date include a multi-site study to test a diagnostic assay as well as a number of bespoke collections of biological samples from suffers of specific diseases.
Data management
Statistical support
Pre-existing sample collections
Ethical approval to obtain blood samples from healthy volunteers for assay development and optimisation for the discovery and evaluation of biomarkers of human disease
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